5 Facts You Didn't Know About the Creation of Valentine's Day Candy Hearts
Valentine's Day candy hearts have been a staple of the holiday for decades, but do you know the fascinating history behind these sweet treats? Here are 5 facts you probably didn't know about the creation of Valentine's Day candy hearts:
1. Originated in the 1800s
Believe it or not, Valentine's Day candy hearts have been around since the 1800s! These iconic candies were first created by Oliver R. Chase, a pharmacist from Boston, who invented a machine that could press food dye letters onto candy lozenges. Originally, the candies were not heart-shaped but evolved into the familiar shape we know and love today.
2. Started as Medical Lozenges
When Oliver R. Chase first introduced these candies, they were not intended for romantic gestures. In fact, they were marketed as medical lozenges and were often used to soothe sore throats. It wasn't until the early 20th century that they became associated with Valentine's Day and love messages.
3. Popularized by NECCO
In the late 19th century, the New England Confectionery Company (NECCO) acquired the rights to produce the candy hearts. NECCO played a significant role in popularizing these candies and turning them into a Valentine's Day tradition. The company added romantic phrases to the hearts, making them a favorite gift for loved ones.
4. Over 100 Sayings
Did you know that there are over 100 different sayings that can be found on Valentine's Day candy hearts? From classic messages like "Be Mine" and "True Love" to more modern phrases like "Text Me" and "LOL," these candies offer a wide range of expressions for your loved ones.
5. Iconic Status
Valentine's Day candy hearts have become an iconic symbol of the holiday, with millions of pounds produced each year. These sweet treats are not only popular in the United States but are also enjoyed in many other countries around the world. Their enduring popularity is a testament to the timeless appeal of expressing love through candy.